Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day

I don't know about you all but hands down my Mom can be flat out the best entertainment ever. Normally she is pretty mellow and not too colorful, but every now and then the hair comes down and prepare to come dang near to pissing your pants. Yesterday was Memorial Day and we went to my parents for a BBQ. Started out pretty mellow until my brother Nick brought the Wii over to play. My mom got in on the action. Normally she is not into stuff like this but the truth is when she does nothing is funnier ...............NOTHING! Back in the day when Atari 2600 was king. my mom would have a go at Frogger and she would move her body all over like her movements were making the frog move and not the joystick. So the Wii naturally was a good fit for her. We started her on Mario Cart and then went on to Wii Fit Hulu Hoop and then Wii Fit Soccer Goalie. I did not video the first game of mario which was the funniest, but pulled out the vid cam in time to catch the rest. Mom we love you...........


Gwen Hawkins said...

Oh my goodness!!! I almost did pee my pants. So so funny Scott. Note to self, don't ever let someone record me playing a WII.